Parent Volunteer Forms


You will need a Criminal Record Check if:

*You are volunteering to help out at multiple events

*Working with students without direct supervision for short periods of time.

If these apply, please make sure you get your criminal record check done.

You need a Criminal Record Check With A Vulnerable Sector Check (Part of Criminal Record Check) and Child Welfare Check if:

*Working with students on a regular basis for longer durations of time without direct supervision

*Coaching a team, going on overnight field trips, or trips outside of school hours where you are in direct supervision of students.

If these apply, you will need to get all your checks done before volunteering in the school.

Criminal Record Check

Volunteers must be residents of St. Albert and must be 18 years of age or older.  
The letter(s), see below, and proper identification is required. 

Click here to download the school letter for your

Criminal Record Check

Criminal Record With Vulnerable Record Check


All requests are now completed online. 

You will require Adobe Acrobat Reader on your device.  Do not print or photograph the digital form and do not forward the form through a web link eg. Adobe Acrobat- message@adobe (we are unable to open external web links).

Forward your completed form as a PDF attachment along with a readable copy of two (2) pieces of government issued ID (one must be a photo ID) as a second attachment click here Intervention Record Check  and send to

Examples of accepted forms of ID:  driver’s license, AB identification card, Treaty status card, AHC, firearms license, birth certificate, passport.  Do not send a copy of your Social Insurance Number.

 Before submitting your request, please check that you have:

  • Entered your personal information – name, complete address, aliases, children, DOBs, etc.
  • Identified the organization & type of position you are applying for – even if “Residing with…”
  • Typed your name and date at the bottom of sections 1 & 2 to verify the information provided is correct and to consent to having the check completed (ensure you check the box in front as well). 
  • Ensured that the completed IRC form is attached as a PDF – No picturesapps or web links please.
  • Attached the copies of your ID

Processing times take up to 30 business days and depend on the volume of requests received.

Please note – incomplete requests will be returned for correction and create further delays in processing.

The following forms need to be completed for the Division and handed into the school office. 

GSACRD Volunteer Form

GSACRD Volunteer Registration Form

*Please note that this process has to be done every year regardless if they were done last year.

We know it's a lot to get going, but we really encourage our families to get involved as much as they can with the school. We know together we are stronger as a collective unit to make the educational learning opportunities for our students better. 

Please be aware that sometimes attachments through the messenger system are hard to open and with five attachments added to this email, they might not all work. If that's the case, you can find this information on our website by putting this link into your browser:

Just a point of clarification for you as you go through the process of getting your information ready for volunteering:

*If you got a criminal record check or Child Intervention Check last year in November for instance, the checks are good for one full calendar year. Therefore in this case, it would not expire until that date in November this year.

Thanks for your support and for getting involved with SAA. We are hoping that we get many volunteers out, as it makes such a positive difference to our school.