Who are the Principal and Vice Principal?
The Principal of the school is Mr. Don Hinks, who has experience with Elementary, Junior High and High School programming and has served the Greater St. Albert Roman Catholic School Board for 6 years. The Vice Principal of the school is Mrs. Cindy Philips, she has served in numerous teaching and administration roles throughout the District at the K-9 level. We have staff who are dedicated to inquiry and project based learning. Please click on the Staff Link to learn more about our current staff.
Why is it a K-9, not a K-6? What are the benefits?
The K-9 configuration is well-researched and a common school model across the province. It is also a popular grade configuration for many of the new schools being built. A K-9 grade range lends itself to some unique programming and mentorship opportunities having a wider range of ages in the school. It also provides a very stable K-9 home for students which requires only one school transition to High School. Parents are provided with an opportunity to have all their children in one school for a greater part of a child's K-12 schooling. This is a great opportunity for students to build relationships and become part of our SAA family throughout most of their education journey.
Why do you call it an Academy?
The term “Academy” is used to reflect a unique offering. Catholic education is a unique offering and you will find that Catholic Schools across the country often name their schools as Academies. Our school provides unique programming such as our Recreation Academy and our Advanced Academic Preparation Program in Grades 4 - 9.
What are some of the options that you offer at Sister Alphonse Academy?
We are blessed and fortunate to have a new building with new CTF labs - Foods/Fashion/Woods labs. We also have other exciting Dynamic options in our Grades 4 - 9 classes: Coding, Media, Video Pro, Art, French and Design. We have extrended our fine arts offering for the 2022/23 school year now including options such as choir, intruments, musical theatre and performing arts.
Advanced Academic Programming (Grades 4 - 6)
Sister Alphonse Academy will inspire students to learn about enrichment that is available in SACHS through Advanced Placement Programming and in our own school at the junior high level by exploring what enrichment means in project-based learning in core subjects, dynamic options, and Booster Block.
Enhanced Academic Programming (Grades 7 - 9)
Sister Alphonse Academy will inspire students to learn about the SACHS Advanced Placement program by engaging in enrichment activities through project-based learning in a Project-based Learning AP-prep option course we call Genius Hour.
Has a School Council and/or Fundraising Society been established?
An Establishment Meeting was held late in September of 2018 and at that meeting the Sister Alphonse School Council was formed. They have played an integral part in the early successes of our school. Parents are welcome to attend meetings which are generally held on Wednesdays of the third week of each month. In 2019 the Friends of Sister Alphonse Fundraising Society was formed. For more information please click on the SAA School Council Link.
Does the school accommodate children with mild, moderate and severe needs?
Sister Alphonse Academy and all of our schools within GSACRD are inclusive environments that provide students with the supports they require to be successful. We support the needs of all children using a Tiered Support Model. The Diverse Learning Lead/ Vice Principal works with the classroom/homeroom teacher to support learning for all children.
When can we tour the school?
Tours of our beautiful school are always welcome. Contact our school office near the end of August 2022 about the possibility of a tour between the hours of 8:00 am and 3:30 pm Monday - Friday. Tours may also be set up after our school hours. We encourage families that are considering registration for the 2023/2024 school year to attend our Open House in February 2023!
Do students wear a School Uniform?
We do not request that students wear a school uniform but we provide parents with the option to purchase school spirit wear and clothing for their child. We designate one day a week and special days within the school as days to wear formal school wear. Information about how to order school spirit wear and clothing is posted on our website at different times of the year.
When will supply lists be posted for students?
School Supply lists for the 2022/2023 school year are now posted on the website and are linked here.
What kind of technology will be required for my child?
Students in grade 4-9 are expected to bring a robust electronic device to school that has the following capabilities; keyboard, interactive - flash and java, camera, audio/video recorder and playback, can read PDF files, Wi-Fi enabled, access/use apps (IOS or Android) headphone jack and reasonable battery life. Ex. Chromebook, MacBook, robust tablet. Students in K-3 are not required to bring a device with them. K-3 classrooms have access to Chromebooks and iPads for teacher and student use in the classroom and the Learning Commons.
What School Fees will be required to register?
School Fees for Sister Alphonse Academy are approximately $90.00 for the 2022/2023 school year. At the grade 4 – 9 levels, there are additional fees for some Dynamic and Complimentary Options to support additional costs for special projects and/or off-site activities. Fees for interscholastic sports teams, clubs, and field trips can be expected throughout the year.
Can my child register for Sister Alphonse Academy if they are not a resident student or live outside the school boundary area?
Our K – 9 boundary serves resident(Catholic and within attendance boundary) students in the community of Jensen Lakes and parts of Erin Ridge North (residences north of Erin Ridge Road). We welcome inquiries for student enrolment from outside of our school boundary areas and from students who are non-resident. Parents are reminded that there is no bus transportation to SAA from outside of our school boundary area. Confirmation is dependent upon a number of variables including space, enrolment, programming requirements, and resources. Please contact school administration for more information. At this time we have been able to confirm most registration inquiries for students outside of our school boundary for the 2022/2023 school year.
What if we are not Catholic? Can we still attend Sister Alphonse Academy?
We welcome all faiths to our school! Please know that we have a welcome, inclusive environment. We start our day with prayer and students and staff participate in school wide celebrations and liturgies. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Principal, Don Hinks, at dhinks@gsacrd.ab.ca, or call the school. Thank you!